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Teacher Services: Take the Pledge: Food in the Library

food or drink at the library pledge

STEP 1: Take the Library Pledge





  1. Take the Pledge. (Fill out this form)

STEP 2: Sign up for TWO Library Cleanup Events

STEP 3: Wear a Green Lanyard

Wear a green "I Took the Pledge  -   I love CVHS Library" lanyard, so your friends know you've pledged and are committed to keeping the library clean with service hours!

Library Pilot Program

Take the Pledge is a pilot service program to create a welcoming environment in the library by allowing food and drinks in. The library asks everyone who eats or drinks to put in a couple of service hours every semester to clean the library.  The program will be assessed each semester for cleanliness and participation hours. Together, we can make it a great place to be on campus!

Other helpful tips:

  1. Cleaning wipes and paper towels are located at the front of the library.
  2. Put all trash in the trash cans at the front entrance.
  3. Please eat at tables, not on the floor or near bookshelves.
  4. All drinks must have a lid. Please bring a cup with lid.