African American Studies (Guide)
African Americans in Business and Entrepreneurship (Guide)
Asian-Pacific Americans: Going for Broke: veterans (Guide)
Hispanic Americans in Business and Entrepreneurship (Guide)
Filipino-American Materials (Guide)
Women in Science and Technology (Guide)
AAPI Heritage: People (biographies) [Catalog]
Search strategy: "name of person" (full text) AND biography (subject)
Example: "Lady Bird Johnson" AND biography
Wikipedia continues to build its biography portal from user-contributed entries and an editorial group working on converting reputable historical reference sources (e.g. Dictionary of National Biography DNB).
A general encyclopedia. Useful for quick background knowledge about a topic or person.
Database with guidance for novice researchers. (Grades 6+)
Find biographical information. 600,000+ base entries. Original sources include biographical dictionaries, who's who, subject encyclopedias, volumes of literary criticism, and many other sources that include biographical content.
1. Visit the Castro Valley High School Library homepage.
2. Search for the person's name in the library catalog. Or if you don't know, click on the "View Catalog" button. Then search for the subject and limit to Sublocation = "Biography"
(for example: "Native American" and sublocation="Biography" retrieves several biographies of famous native americans.)
2. Collective and Individual Biographies are located in Dewey Classifications 920 and 921 by last name.