All Gale Databases are now accessed via Google SSO.
CVUSD Libraries have transitioned access for all Gale databases from Geolocation technology to Google Single Sign-on.
The following Gale e-resources are accessible 24/7 via Google Single Sign-on. Students and teachers can now “sign in with Google” to gain access.
- Gale Interactive: Science (all sites)
- Gale in Context: Environmental Studies Database (all sites)
- Gale in Context: Biography (CVHS only)
- National Geographic Kids (all sites)
Site libraries have begun to transition their links to the new secure links. Most of CVUSD libraries do not yet have an e-resource management function built into their websites, so this transition make take certain sites longer to implement than others. Thank you for your patience as our libraries modernize!
Why the change?
Authentication to Gale databases via Google Single Sign-on provides three key benefits:
1. Secure 24/7 easy access for students using their existing Google accounts. No usernames and passwords.
2. Students can download articles and push citations directly into their Google Drives and Google docs and teachers can integrate library databases into Google classroom.
3. Librarians can review usage data specific to CVUSD for assessment. Usage data is anonymized.
Who supports these databases?
The California State Library sponsors access to the Gale Science, Environmental Science and National Geographic databases with a statewide, negotiated publisher license on behalf of all K-12 schools. The statewide license is funded by the California Department of Education (CDE.)
CVUSD sponsors access to the Gale Biography database at CVHS. It is funded by California Lottery funds for schools. It is not available via the California State Library.
Teachers, please try these databases and provide feedback by March 31st.
The following trials end March 31st and will inform future subscriptions. If you use news articles (including the New York Times) in any of your classes, please trial these resources to gain the same or better, broader access and provide feedback.