Teachers and staff attended one of eleven orientation sessions offered by the library in August to become familiar with the new hybrid academic library and high demand services. As the library gradually modernizes its academic services to prepare students for college and careers, we are also preparing teachers and staff to lead the way. Teachers and staff learned new skills.
At this time, all teachers, administrators and staff should have an Alameda County eCard and know how to:
- Link to the library website in their Google Classroom
- Guide students from the high school webpage to the library homepage or use industry standard URL structure to find their library
- Find and access a subscription database in their subject, and guide students to do the same
- Show students to get an Alameda County eCard in order to access more and different databases for coursework
- Find and access a book or eBook in the collections, and guide students to do the same
- Find the library FAQs and ask a question that may become an FAQ for others!
- Request that a subject or course guide be prioritized for development
- Make an instructional planning appointment with the librarian
- View the library events and space reservation on the library events calendar
- Make a reservation for a class visit, a club visit, or an event during library hours (7:30 am - 6:00 pm) via the library website (not email)
For a refresher and to revisit these skills, please visit the “Teacher Services” area of the library website. That area is useful for all staff.
Visit our table in the 200 Wing.